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Research on Nudity Expressions

in Sexually Appealing Advertisements

-Focused in Liquor & Cosmetic Printing Advertisements

Lee Bong Joo


  Major in Advertising & Public Relations
  Graduate School of Advertising & Public Relations
  Hong-Ik University

Sexually appealing advertisements, that communicate through body exposure and nudity of models are, narurally, easy to drew customer's attention and make the images last. Though the nudity in advertising should be a careful choice, because the impact of the nudity, does not necessarily go along with the likeness of the product advertised.

Recently, nudity in advertising has competitively been increasing along with the changes in cultural values. This competitiveness has made the nude expression become more and more provocative, often reaching a deviated goal.

Considering these factors, this research will; examine the different ways that sexually appealing advertisements are expressed in the korean printing media; find the problems and the solutions.

Case studies and content analysis of cosmetic and liquor advertisements have been carried out for that purpose.

The results of the case study are as follows; First, there was no case for liquor advertisements in which technical nudity was used, 'technical', meaning 'using the nudity to explain the product.'

Second, descriptive nudity was more often used in cosmetic advertisements than liquor ones. In some cosmetic advertisements there were cases of descriptive nudity, where sexual behaviors were directly expressed.

Third, advertisements with symbolic nudity did not express sexual behaviors directly. Unlike descriptive advertisements, they related the nudity with social and cultural symbols using metaphors. They focused on the symbolic meanings of the it.

The content analysis has been done in two different aspects; visual factors and linguistic factors. The results of the analysis shows as follows;

First, there was relatively more practical appearance of female models in liquor advertisements than in cosmetics ones.

Second, the relation between the nudity of the models and the product came out to be different for liquor advertisements and cosmetics advertisements. In liquor ads, the nudity of models had either indirect & symbolic connections with the product or no relation at all. For the cosmetic ads, the nudity had technical connections with the product or no connection at all.

Third, female nudity was more actively associatedwith the product than the male nudity.

Fourth, rather than the nudity that directly recalls sexual images, simple body exposure or touches associated with light sexual images were more frequently used.

In expressing nudity in advertisements, many factors have to be carefully considerde according to the preference of the target customers and the attributes of the product. Specially for the cosmeticand liquor advertisements for their frequent use of sexually appealing advertisements.

To summarize the factors are;

First, the visual of the advertisement has to show a strong and clear overall focus in expressing nudity.

Second, different kinds of advertising tools should be used to add the nudity some message or meaning, preventing it from just being sexually attractive.

Third, stereotyped expressions of nudity should be changed in both male and female models.

Fourth, improved ways to express the attractiveness of the nudity need to be found.

Fifth, it demands more creativity in composing the visual; for example, rather than traditional close-up of specific body areas, such as face or waist, or plain fixed postures, pictures could be taken from many different angles.

Lastly, sexually appealing advertisements through nudity, need much more detailed and calculated plans in composing the visual and the message, in order to reach the advertisement's goal.