Jung Hai Won
Major in Multi-media
Hongik University
Graduate school of
Advertising & Public Relations
Directed by
Park Kwang Sung

The 20th century, although very short has gone through three important stages in history: Agricultural society, Industrial society, and Information society. And even now the world is changing rapidly. In a fast changing environment consumer's minds are also changing rapidly and in that turmoil the advertising market has also gone through many changes.

With the market overflowing with too many products, competition skyrocketing, and consumer's minds changing faster than one can imagine, it is a time where one must change conventional ways of dealing with the modern consumer.

Methods such as demographic target analysis, segmentation based on a target's lifestyle, no longer have andy effect in today's advertising market. People have always mentioned of 'reading the consumer's thoughts' for a long time. However we must think back and ponder whether we've really reflected the consumer's thoughts in out advertisements.

Therefore this paper will be approached in two directions. Recently, 'Consumer Insight' has been the rising topic for the markets in the United States and Japan. From account planning, everything is associated with consumer's motivation to purchase. In relation to consumer purchase motivation, one direction is to theoretically approach the 'Consumer Insight' model to find the 'sweet spot' of motivation.

The other direction is to find a theory that matches the inner values of consumers through real examples. For this, studies have been made in environmental factors, social psychological factors, and personal factors which influence consumer's purchase motivation. In addition, past persuasion models have also been analyzed. And to bring 'Consumer Insight' into view, an analysis a 'Cook Do' campaign from Japan has been made.

From the research, it has been found that according to each consumer's psychological depth, the consumer' sub-conscious values can be tapped. Also consumer's product preference scale has moved from the actual 'usage' stage to a positive development in human relations.

These results tell us that in order to grasp 'Consumer Insight', we must change our thinking from a product's point of view to a more consumer-oriented point of view.

Therefore there is no better time to combine, harmonize, mix different values which create new consumer satisfaction. Instead of just matching a consumer's simple needs, a successful advertising campaign should focus on matching a consumer's inner value.

In creating an effective advertising strategy on must focus on the fact that consumers can be analyzed better without and questions asked because that's when they are truthful to their feelings.