- Centered on newspaper Ad. Headlines -

HAN, Duk - Hwan (Dept of Art Education Graduate school, Keimyung University)

The scope of early typography was limited to books and publications, but in industrial society brought about by the 18th century Industrial Revolution the scope has been widened: this new scope encompasses a wide range with newspaper, magazines and advertisements, which serve as a quick mass media, namely typography, invigorating commercial printing. In this view, the relationship between advertisement and typography began with the invention of printing types. Thus this study seeks to find a means for more effective advertising, with researches through literature and practice, by improving the legibility of type styles mainly adopted in the heads inns of newspaper advertisements.

As a result of the analytical study on legibility of type styles regardless of the standard of specialties, the headline types were found most legible, and the legibility varied depending on the level of professionalism, type styles and the site of types.

The result of analyses of the interaction between the standard of professionalism and the size of the types revealed that non-experts found No.3 to be most legible and experts found No.2 to be so.

In the experiments based on the type styles appropriate for the contents of advertisement, experts preferred headline types in products requiring mechanical or informative nature and the Myung Jo type in products of flexible image. It was found that non-experts preferred such newspaper advertisements as composed of headline types regardless of the kinds of products. Prior to the development of headline types changes in type styles or hand-free lettering was used for 1egibility and information, but since the development the headline type replaced them. This is probably due to the appropriateness for enhancing the quality of legibility and information giving rather than for shaping.

Accordingly, in order to enhance the efficacy of advertisement through newspapers, among all the know way, since the advertisement is for the readers, emphasis should be placed on the selection of styles most suitable for legibility and images of the advertisement. Besides, person engaged in advertisement business and designers should try to maximize the effect of advertisement considering, when producing newspaper advertisement, both sides - shaping and designing.