1) I.C.M. Cunningham, and W.H. Cunningham, "Standards for Advertising Regulation," Journal of Marketing,(Oct.1977), pp.92-97.
2) C. P. Rao, "Deceptive Advertising: A Consumer Assessment," Advertising Quarterly, (Wint. 1975/1976), pp.27-30.
3) ÐÝêªâÇîÊ, ¡¸ÎÆͱùÊËÈÒÕ¡¹, ¼¿ï, ÌèÙþÞä, pp.573-576.
4) Ibid., p.574.
1) J.E. Russo, B.L. Metcalf, and D.Stephens, "Identifying Misleading Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.8, 1981, p.119.
2) D.M. Gardner, "Deception in Advertising: A Conceptual Approach," Journal of Marketing (Jan.1975), pp.40-46.
3) David A.Aaker and John G.Myers, ¡¸Advertising Management¡¹, Prentice-Hall Inc. 2nd ed., 1982, pp.567-577.
4) D.M. Gardner, "Deception in Advertising: A Conceptual Approach," Journal of Marketing, (Jan.1975), pp.40-46.
5) D.M. Gardner, "Deception in Advertising: A Receiver Oriented Approach to Understanding," Journal of Advertising, Vol.5, 1976, p.7.
6) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, ¡¸Consumer Behaviora¡¹, New York, The Dryden press, 4th ed, pp.622-624.
7) J.C.Olson and P.A.Dover, "Cognitive Effects of Deceptive Advertising," Journal of Advertising, Vol.15, 1978, pp.29-38.
8) D.A. Aaker and J.G. Myers, op. cit., pp.567-577.
9) D.M. Gardner, op. cit., pp.40-46.
10) Ibid., pp.40-46.
11) M.B. Holbrook, "Beyond Attitude Structure : Toward the Informational Determinants of Attitude," Journal of Marketing Research,(Nov. 1978), pp.545-556.
12) T.A. Shimp, "Social-Psychological (Mis)Representation in Television Advertising," Journal of Consumer Affairs,(Summer 1979), pp.28-40.
13) I.L. Preston and L.Bowen, "Perceiving Advertisements as Emotional, Rational and Irrational," Journalism Quarterly,(Spr. 1971), pp.73-84.
14) F.T. Marquez, "Advertising Content: Persuasion, Information, or Intimidation?" Journalism Quarterly,(Aut.1977), pp.482-491.
15) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., pp.622-24.
16) D.Cohen, "Surrogate Indicators and Deception in Advertising," Journal of Marketing,(July 1972), pp. 10-15.
17) Ibid., pp.10-15.
18) Ibid., pp.10-15.
19) G.M. Armstrong, M.N. Gurol, and F.A. Russ, "Detecting and Corrective Deceptive Advertising," Journal of Consumer Affairs,(Dec.1979), pp.237-47.
20) D.A. Aaker and J.G. Myers, op. cit., pp.567-577.
21) R J. Harris and G.E. Monaco, "The Psychology of Pragmatic Implications: Information Processing between the Lines," Journal of Experimental Psychology, (March 1978), pp.1-12.
22) I.L. Preston, "Theories of Behavior and Concept of Rationality in Advertising," The Journal of Communication,(Sep.1967), pp.211-222.
23) I.L. Preston and S.E. Scharbach, "Advertising: More than Meets the Eye?" Journal of Advertising Research,(June. 1971), pp.19-24.
24) R.J. Harris, "Comprehension of Pragmatic Implication in Advertising," Journal of Applied Psychology,(Oct. 1977), pp.603-608.
25) J.C.0lson and P.A. Dover, "Cognitive Effects of Deceptive Advertising," Journal of Marketing Research, (Feb.1978), pp.29-38.
26) M.B. Holbrook, "Beyond Attitude Structure : Toward the Informational Determinants of Attitude," Journal of Marketing Research,(Nov. 1978), pp.545-56.
27) J. Jacoby and C.Small, "The FDA Approach to Defining Misleading Advertising," Journal of Marketing,(Oct. 1975), pp.65-73.
28) M.K. Johnson, J.D. Bransford and S.K. Solomon, "Memory for Tacit Implications of Sentences," Journal of Experimental Psychology,(Apr.1973), pp.203-205.
29) J.Jacoby and C.Small, op. cit., pp.65-73.
30) R.J. Harris, op. cit., pp.603-608.
31) W.Kroeber-Riel, "Activation Research : Psychobiological Approaches to Consumer Research," Journal of Consumer Research, (Mar.1979), pp.240-250.
32) T.V. Bonoma and L.C.Felder, "Nonverbal Communications in Marketing: Toward a Communicational Analysis," Journal of Marketing Research,(May. 1977), pp.169-180.
33) G.M. Armstrong, M.N. Gurol and F.A. Russ, "Detecting and Correcting Deceptive Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research, (Dec.1979), pp.237-247.
34) D.M. Gardner, op. cit., pp.40-46.
35) R.F. Dyer and P.G. Kuehl, "A Longitudinal study of Correctve Advertising," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 15, 1978, pp.39-48.
36) G.M. Armstrong, M.N, Gurol and F.A. Russ, op. cit., pp.237-239.
37) Ibid., p.238.
38) T.E. Barry, "A Framework for Ascertaining Deception in Children's Advertising," Journal of Advertising,(Nov.1979), pp.11-18.
39) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., p.270.
40) J. C. Olson, D.R. Toy and P.A. Dover, "Do Cognitive Response Mediate the Effects of Advertising Content on Cognitive Structure?" Journal of Consumer Research,(Dec.1982), p.260.
41) D.R. Toy, "Monitoring Communication Effects: A Cognitive Structure/Cognitive Response Approach," Journal of Consumer Research, (June. 1982), p.67.
42) J. F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., pp.449-458.
43) P.L. Wright, "The Cognitive Processes Mediating Acceptance of Advertising," Journal of Marketing Research,(Feb. 1973), pp.53-62.
44) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., p.286.
45) P.L. Wright, op. cit., pp.53-62.
46) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., p.287.
47) P.L. Wright, op. cit., pp.53-62.
48) G. E. Belch, "An Examination of Comparative and Non comparative Television Commercials: The Effects of Claim Variation and Repetition on Cognitive Response and Message Acceptance," Journal of Marketing Research,(Aug. 1981), p.338.
49) P.L. Wright, op. cit., pp.53-62.
50) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., p.440
51) R.E. Smith and W.R. Swinyard, "Information Response Models : An Integrated Approach," Journal of Marketing,(Wint.1982), pp.81-93.
52) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., pp.449-451.
53) R.E. Smith and W.R. Swinyard, op. cit., pp.81-93.
54) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., p.449
55) R.E. Smith and W.R.Swinyard, op. cit., pp.81-93.
56) J.F. Engel and R.D. Blackwell, op. cit., pp.265-289.
57) T.A. Shimp and I.L. Preston, "Deceptive and Nondeceptive Consequences of Evaluative Advertising," Journal of Marketing,(Wint. 1981), pp.22-32.
58) T.A. Shimp and I.L. Preston, op. cit., pp.22-32.
59) Ibid., pp.29-32.
60) H.E. Krugman, "Memory Without Recall, Exposure Without Perception," Journal of Advertising Research,(Aug. 1977), pp.7-12.
61) P.L. Wright, "The Cognitive Processes Mediating Acceptance of Advertising," Journal of Marketing Research,(Feb. 1973), pp.53-62.
62) T.A. Shimp and I.L. Preston, op. cit., pp.22-32.
63) P. Kotler, ¡¸Marketing Management¡¹, 4th ed., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1980, pp.475-479.
64) Ibid., pp.475-479.
65) Ibid., p.475.
66) R. J. Lavidge and G.A.Steiner, "A Model for predictive Measurements of Advertising," Journal of Marketing,(Oct. 1961), pp.59-62.
67) Ibid, pp.59-62.
68) K.S. Palda, "The Hypothesis of a Hierarchy of Effects: A Partial Evaluation," Journal of Marketing Research, (Feb. 1966), pp.13-24.
69) J.C. 0lson and P.A. Dover, op. cit., pp.13-24.
70) W.B.Locander and P.W. Hermann, "The Effect of Self-Confidence and Anxiety on Information Seeking in Consumer Risk Reduction," Journal of Marketing Research, (May. 1979), pp.268-274.
71) G.M.Armstrong and Frederic A.Russ, "Detecting Deception in Advertising," MSU Business Topics,(Spr. 1975), pp.21-31.
72) D.W. Finn, "The Integrated Information Response Model," Journal of Advertising, Vol.13,1984, pp.24-33.
1) çïßÓÑã, ×ùñ£ê¶îÊ,¡¸¸¶¾ÆÄÉÆÃη×âÒÕ¡¹, ¼¿ï : Ùõæ¶Ìèç½Þä, 1982, pp.475-479.
2) W.H.Darden, D.K.Darden, R.Howell and S. J.Miller, "Consumer Socialization Factors in A Patronage Model of Consumer Behavior", in R.F.Lusch and W.R.Darden, eds., Retail Patronage Theory(New York, 1981).
3) G.P. Moschis and G.A.Churchill Jr, "An Analysis of the Adolescent Consumer", Journal of Marketing,(Sum. 1979), pp.40-48.
4) R. L.Oliver, "An Interpretation of the Attitudinal and Behavioral Effects of Puffery," The Journal of Consumer Affairs,(Sum. 1979), pp.8-27.
5) D.J.Lill and D.A.Michie, "Puffery, Retail Image and Patronage: The Cases of the Senior and Adolescent Markets," in R.F Lusch and W.R.Darden, eds., Retail Patronage Theory, 1981, pp.44-49.
6) J.F.Engel and R.D.Blackwell, op.cit., p.277.
7) D.L.Loudon and A.J.Dell Bitta, ¡¸Consumer Behavior¡¹, New York, McGraw Hill, Inc., 1984, pp.425-427.
8) Ibid., pp.428-431.
9) J.P.Kelly and P.J.Solomon, "Humor in Advertising", Journal of Marketing,(Sum. 1975), pp.31 - 35.
10) D.L.Loudon and A.J.Della Bitta, op.cit., pp.431-432.
11) J.F.Engel and R.D.Blackwell, op.cit., p.282.
12) Ibid., p.276.
13) J.F Engel and R.D.Blackwell, op.cit., p.276.
14) È«´ë½Äæ», Atkinson, Atkinson, and Hilgard, ¡¸ãý×âùÊ ËÈÒ·¡¹, ¼¿ï; ÚÑçÈÞä, 1984, pp. 124 - 125.
15) J.F.Engel and R.D.Blackwell, op.cit., p.283.
16) Ibid., p.277.
17) Ibid., p.479.
18) L.Festinger and N.Maccoby, "On Resistance to Persuasive Communication", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, vol.68, 1964, pp.359 - 360.
19) J.F.Engel and R.D.Blackwell, op.cit., p.479.
20) S.W.Bither, "Effects of Distraction and Commitment on the Persuasiveness of Television Advertising," Journal of Marketing Research, (Feb. 1972), pp.1 -5.
21) D.Gardner, "The Distraction Hypothesis in Marketing," Journal of Advertising Research, (Dec. 197O), pp.25-31.
22) H.J.Rotfeld and K.B.Rotzoll, "Is Advertising Puffery Believed?" Journal of Advertising, vol.9, 1980, p.16.
23) D.M.Gardner, op.cit., pp.40-46, J.Jacoby and C.Small, op. cit., pp.65-73.
24) R.L.0liver, op. cit., 8-27.
25) M.J.Etzel and E.L.Knight, Jr., "The Effect of Documented versus Undocumented Advertising Claims," Journal of Consumer Affairs, (Wint. 1976), pp.233-238.
26) M.B.Holbrook, "Beyond Attitude Structure: Toward the Informational Determinants of Attitude", Journal of Marketing Research, (Nov. 1978), pp.545 - 556.
27) Ibid., pp.545-556.
28) T.A.Shimp and I.L.Preston, op.cit., pp.22-32.
29) J.C.Olson and P.A.Dover, "Cognitive Effects of Deceptive Advertising", Journal of Marketing Research,(Feb. 1978), pp.29- 38.
30) çïßÓÑã, ×ùðúê¶îÊ, ¡¸¸¶¾ÆÄÉÆÃη×âÒÕ¡¹, p.244 óÑðÎ.
31) G.M.Olson and P.A.Dover, op.cit., pp.28-38.
32) G.M.Armstrong, M.N.Gurol and F.A.Russ, "Detecting and Correcting Deceptive Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research, (Dec. 1979), pp.237 -247.
33) Ibid., pp.237-247.
34) T.A.Shimp, "Do Incomplete Comparisons Mislead?" Journal of Advertising Research, (Dec. 1978), pp.21 -27.
35) Ibid., pp.21-27.
36) R.E.Burnkrant, "A Motivational Model of Information Processing Intensity", Journal of Consumer Research, (July. 1976), pp.25- 29.
37) G.E. Belch, "An Examination of Comparative and Noncomparative TV. Commercials: The Effects of Claim Variation and Repetition on Cognitive Response and Message Acceptance," Journal of Marketing Research,(Aug. 1981), pp.333-49.
38) T.A.Shimp, op.cit., pp.21 -27.
39) I.L.Preston and S.E.Scharbach, op.cit., pp.19-24.
40) D,J.Lill and D.A.Michie, op.cit., pp.44-49.
41) R.L.Oliver, "An Interpretation of the Attitudinal and Behavioral Effects of Puffery," The Journal of Consumer Affairs,(Sum. 1979), pp.8-27.
42) Ibid., pp.8-27.
43) Ibid., pp.8-27.
44) D.J.Lill and D.A.Michie, op.cit., pp.44-49.
45) G.P.Moschis and G.A.Churchill Jr, op.cit., pp.40-48.
46) D.J.Lill and D.A.Michie, op.cit., pp.44-49.
47) H.J.Rotfeld and K.B.Rotzoll, "Is Advertising Puffery Believed?" Journal of Advertising, vol.9, 1980, pp.17-46.
48) Ibid., pp.17-46.
49) B.G.V.Bergh and L.N.Reid, "Puffery and Magazine Ad. Readerships," Journal of Marketing,(Spr. 1980), pp.78-81.
50) T.S.Robertson, "Low-Commitment Consumer Behavior", Journal of Advertising Research, (Apr. 1976), pp.19-24.
51) B.G.V.Bergh and L.N.Reid, op.cit., pp.78-81.
52) R.L.Oliver, op.cit., pp.8-27.
53) Ibid., pp.8-27.
54) J.F.Engel and R.B.Blackwell, op.cit., pp.622-624.
55) J.E. Russo, B. L.Metcalf and D.Stephens, "Identifying Misleading Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research, vol.8, 1981, pp.119-131.
56) Ibid., pp.119-131.
57) D.M.Gardner, op.cit., pp.40-46.
1) T.A. Shimp and I.L. Preston, "Deceptive and Nondeceptive Consequences of Evaluative Advertising", Journal of Marketing, (Wint. 1981), pp.22-32.